MiFood project will build
on AFSUN’s work
Professor Jonathan Crush has been awarded a seven-year, $2.5-million SSHRC Partnership Grant for a collaborative international project called MiFood.
MiFood will be implemented by the Hungry Cities Partnership, an international network that focuses on building sustainable cities and urban food systems in the Global South. As director of the partnership and of AFSUN, Crush collaborates with twelve countries across the Global South including South Africa, China, Ecuador, Ghana and India, as well as several international organizations including the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration and the International Food Policy Research Institute.
Migration within the Global South now exceeds movement from North to South, and migrants and their dependents make up a significant proportion of the estimated two billion people globally who are moderately or severely food insecure. Crush and his partners aim to determine whether migration is a response to food insecurity, whether migration leads to better food security for migrant populations, and if not, what evidence-based interventions might help mitigate migrant food insecurity.
Category: AFSUN News